About Jeroen Goudsmit
Jeroen Goudsmit is a mathematician working on compliance in the financial sector focussing on the intersection between Compliance and technology. Jeroen manages the Data Protection Specialists team in the Global Privacy Office at Rabobank. This team is tasked with advising the organization on privacy issues (including data protection impact assessments), supporting data subjects as an escalation point, and cooperating with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
Between March 2019 and July 2023, Jeroen was responsible for the course Quantitative Integrity Management in the post-graduate program Compliance & Integrity Management the VU Amsterdam. This course focusses on how data, models and technology intersect with the work of the Compliance professional. Between June 2020 and July 2023, he served as an editor at the Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, a scientific journal focussed on supervisory and regulatory practice.
Jeroen obtained a PhD in Mathematical Logic at Utrecht University (2015). He holds a MSc in Mathematical Sciences (2010) and BSc’s in Mathematics (2008), Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (2009, cum laude), and Computer Science (2008, cum laude).
A full list of his academic works is accessible through ORCID.